In PCI Compliance Essentials we’re dropping serious nuggets of wisdom to help organizations get everyone from system administrators, incident response handlers, billing, C-level executives and everyone else who has a piece of the PCI pie ON THE SAME PAGE and speaking THE SAME LANGUAGE.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, PCI DSS v4.0 goes into effect on March 31, 2024. Here’s 4 key PCI DSS Compliance processes that you need to have in place by year end.
I’ll be the first to admit that continuous PCI Compliance was beyond my grasp when I started my PCI journey in 2012. I was doing my best not to drown in a sea of confusion and chaos.
If something like our newest course, Implement Continuous PCI Compliance, existed a decade ago, I would have been all over this.
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Free master class, “How to Win at PCI Compliance” is now available!
10 Insider Secrets From a Recovering PCI ISA
Does this sound familiar?
“I feel like a fraud.”
“I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“How do I know if this evidence meets the PCI DSS requirement?”
“I don’t know how to tell a senior director their software development process is neither secure nor PCI DSS compliant.”
Running or being in charge of a PCI Compliance Program feels like you’ve been given the weight of a thousand worlds to carry.
You have all of the responsibility and zero authority.
It’s like being stuck in a dingy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
So, how do you get past feeling like a fraud who’s adrift in a vast ocean without any paddles?
I know how overwhelming running a PCI DSS Compliance program is.
That’s why I’m sharing How to Win At PCI Compliance: 10 Insider Secrets From an Ex PCI ISA with you today.
I want help you feel more confident and less adrift.
Keep Reading!
Don’t Start Your 2023 PCI Report on Compliance Without Doing These 10 Essential Tasks FIRST:
The end of the first quarter is quickly approaching. It’s time to get your PCI Compliance house in order.
Because nobody wants to be the next Landry’s and have a $20M fine upheld by federal court.
1. You have a copy of the signed Statement of Work with your QSA
Make sure you have this statement of work at your fingertips throughout your assessment period. This agreement protects you and your QSA for work that is contractually agreed upon.
2. Complete an end-to-end PCI Scope Assessment
The success of your PCI Report on Compliance hinges upon an accurate PCI Scope Assessment.
Your scope assessment includes the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your cardholder data environment and anything or anybody that connects to your cardholder data environment.
Have you almost quit your PCI Compliance job after submitting your organization’s Report on Compliance?
Don’t be shy. It’s okay if you walked away.
I almost quit I submitted the first PCI Report on Compliance I ever worked on.
December 21, 2012 a day that still dredges up heartburn.
I didn’t quit.
I didn’t walk away.
Instead, I saw the opportunity to build a world class PCI DSS Compliance program.
If PCI Compliance were easy, every organization would be doing it, right?
But it’s not.
The sad statistic from the most recent Verizon Payment Security Report is that 57% of all merchants fail to sustain PCI DSS Compliance.
There are so many reasons. Where do we start?
Let’s start with the 5 PCI Compliance headaches everyone can live without.