Let’s be real for a second – the report on compliance is mandatory for all level 1 merchants and any merchant regardless of level that is required to provide a report on compliance by either their acquirer or card brand. Most level 1 merchants fall out of compliance shortly after the ink is dry on their most recent report. Why? Because they don’t have a sustainability program. The RoC is treated like a bad surprise every year and that creates wasted effort, lost money, and burned out staff.
Best Practice: Developers and system administrators request changes to firewall rule sets all the time. Whether it’s to do work on system components or test system components, these changes can make a mess out of your rule sets. It’s so easy for someone to unintentionally request an “any” rule which is prohibited in the cardholder data environment. Our best advice is to insert your ISA or someone on the compliance team into the firewall rule change review.
Does managing your PCI scope feel like you’re herding cats or trying to nail jell-o to a tree? If you don’t have a handle on your scope, achieving or maintaining PCI DSS Compliance is next to impossible.
Through our Ultimate Guide On How To Manage PCI DSS Requirement Frequencies, we’ll walk you through each requirement area and show you what the specific requirement frequencies are, why they have a frequency, and we’re going to share our best practices on how to create sustainable processes so that you can maintain PCI DSS Compliance without pulling your hair out.