PCI SSC Associate Participating Organization

Did you hear? Payment Card Assessments is excited to be an Associate Participating Organization with the PCI Security Standards Council!


Peggy has presented at numerous ISACA events and PCI North American Community Meetings on the value and benefits of implementing a PCI DSS Sustainability Program and on the common myths and misconceptions that surround PCI compliance. 

Upcoming & Past Events

September 2024

PCI SSC North American Community Meeting

May 8, 2024



Peggy Speaking at ISACA NA Conference

Feedback from participants:

“I loved your session at ISACA Con in Phoenix and I love that you only talk about PCI” ~ Dooshima Dapo-Oyewole

“Enjoyed your ISACA presentation as we continue to mature our PCI journey.” ~ Robert Bender

October 2023

2023 PCI European Community Meeting

Join Payment Card Assessments at the 2023 PCI European Community Meeting. Peggy will be taking part in a panel discussion during the conference.

July 18, 2023

ISACA NE:  The Art of Managing and Delivering a Successful Report on Compliance

June 20, 2023

ISACA NE:  Decrypting the PCI DSS Requirements Once and For All

You can find this course in our Resource Center!

June 14, 2023

Verizon:   Navigating the 7 C’s

Free webinar: Peggy sat down with team Verizon to discuss Navigating The 7 C’s or the 7 constraints faced by every single PCI DSS Compliance Program.

May 23, 2023

ISACA NE:  How to Manage Scope Without Losing Your Mind.

You can find this course inside our PCI Compliance Resource Center


Did You Miss Us at the 2022 PCI North American Community Meeting?​

Watch Peggy’s live presentation!

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