What we do

We have in the trenches experience running a PCI Compliance Sustainability and Assessment program for a Fortune 100 company a level 1 merchant.

Payment Card Assessments is here to help you achieve continuous PCI DSS Compliance without impacting the integrity of your security controls or your Report on Compliance.

In 2020, only 27% of organizations were compliant 6 months after their Report on Compliance.  By 2022, the numbers slightly improved to 48%.
Source:  Verizon Payment Security Report

Our Approach

At Payment Card Assessments we approach Continuous PCI Compliance with these 3 critical pillars of excellence

Services We Offer

PCI Sustainability

A PCI Sustainability Program is a control framework based on “security” best practices and will strengthen your security posture company wide.

Scope Assessments

We serve our clients top level of trusted advisor for their business & marketing progress.

Gap Assessments

We serve our clients top level of trusted advisor for their business & marketing progress.

Consulting Services

Our team evaluates your organization and provides you with detailed guidance on any areas requiring remediation before you begin your PCI assessment.

$ 100 K +

saved in outside assessment fees


A combined 20 years of PCI DSS experience,
wisdom, knowledge, and expertise


Successful Reports on Compliance for
a Fortune 100, Level 1 Merchant

What We Do