I wish I had this course on Log Management for PCI DSS Compliance when I was a new PCI ISA...

Requirement 10 is one of the most notorious security requirements that induce migraine headaches as soon as you think about audit logging.

There’s nothing worse than finding out 36 servers stopped logging over 90 days ago.

True story. That happened in 2016.

The wasn’t enough chocolate chip cookies to make up for the painful conversations I had to have with everyone involved in the snafu.

It was a nightmare to fix and a humbling experience to explain to both the QSA and the acquirer what went wrong, why it went wrong, how we fixed it, and how we would ensure it would never happen again.

This all hands on deck fiasco is something we never want to see you go through. Ever.

In Log Management for PCI DSS Compliance, we’re providing an extensive overview of sub-requirements:

  • 10.2.x
  • 10.3.x
  • 10.4.x
  • 10.5.x
  • 10.7.x
  • Requirement dependencies

Nowhere else will you be taught the relationships and interconnectedness between Requirement 10 other PCI DSS requirements.

Ready to dive in?

You can take this course through our PCI DSS Training and PCI Compliance Toolkit (you must be a subscriber) OR if a monthly subscription isn’t your cup of tea, you can take the course as an on-demand workshop.

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10 Insider Secrets From a Recovering PCI ISA

10 Insider Secrets From a Recovering PCI ISA

Does this sound familiar?

“I feel like a fraud.”

“I have no idea what I’m doing.”

“How do I know if this evidence meets the PCI DSS requirement?”

“I don’t know how to tell a senior director their software development process is neither secure nor PCI DSS compliant.”

Running or being in charge of a PCI Compliance Program feels like you’ve been given the weight of a thousand worlds to carry.

You have all of the responsibility and zero authority.

It’s like being stuck in a dingy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

So, how do you get past feeling like a fraud who’s adrift in a vast ocean without any paddles?

I know how overwhelming running a PCI DSS Compliance program is.

That’s why I’m sharing How to Win At PCI Compliance: 10 Insider Secrets From an Ex PCI ISA with you today.

I want help you feel more confident and less adrift.

Keep Reading!

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