Your PCI DSS Compliance program is all over the place. 

Your asset inventory is hiding in 7 spreadsheets.

You’ve got in-scope and not in-scope assets mixed together.

You don’t fully understand the PCI DSS Requirements.

Every year, you pull your hair out just trying to get through your PCI Report on Compliance.

We feel your pain. Lisa and I have been exactly where you’re at.  

Instead of quitting, we embraced PCI and together  we created a world class PCI DSS Compliance program.


Let’s dive in.

PCI DSS Compliance Is Complicated

The more complex your cardholder data environment is, the more complicated PCI DSS Compliance is. Especially if

  • Your program is full of bloated manual processes.
  • You operate from multiple spreadsheets and email
  • You don’t have a grip on the scope of your PCI environment
  • Critical controls are failing because you can’t monitor them from a spreadsheet
  • You have hundreds if not thousands of in-scope assets
  • You have more than one cardholder data environment
  • Your processes for PCI Compliance are all over the place. Spreadsheets. Word docs. Wiki files. Notepad. Paper napkins.
  • You have legacy tech debt that impacts shared resources that your cardholder data environment relies upon for communication, security, segmentation, etc.
  • Institutional knowledge of your PCI Compliance program resides in someone’s head and they just quit. Ooph…

I see you nodding your head in agreement. If you’re suffering with any of the above scenarios, it’s time to give automation a chance.

Automation Makes PCI DSS Compliance Less Complicated

There’s this old saying that you need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired BEFORE you make a change that up ends the status quo.

Implementing a change for the better in large organizations, especially level 1 merchants, is a hard fought victory. 

Let’s make the story more compelling to your CISO or CIO because for all you know, they don’t have a full understanding of PCI DSS Compliance and how hard it is to achieve and maintain.

The proof is in the pudding, right? 

Our last PCI Report on Compliance

  • We saved $100,000 in outside assessment fees and over $150K in internal costs
  • We reduced the amount of time it took to assess by 12 weeks – that’s 80 business days.
  • Through automation we were able to monitor critical controls and remediate in a timely manner
  • We impressed the QSA and the acquirer with how effective and efficient our PCI DSS Compliance Program operated.

Are You Ready to Automate Your PCI DSS Compliance Program? ~ Watch This Short Video

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4 Smart Ways To Stop Overcomplicating PCI Compliance

You can do PCI Compliance the Smart Way or the Hard Way. Which way do you choose?

You know that saying, “objects appear bigger in the rearview mirror,” right?

When it comes to PCI Compliance, satisfying the requirements often looks bigger the more you stare at them. And when you look at the requirements in isolation, they often look next to impossible to implement. Your brain (and my brain) want to over complicate what needs to be in place to secure the cardholder data environment.

Maybe you jump immediately to implementing the newest shiny security tool without thinking of how it will impact other in scope systems.

Maybe you leap to more complexity by adding layers of security controls and processes when one solid, repeatable process will do.

Or maybe you bury your head in the sand and sing lalalalalalalalalalala….(honestly, there were days I wish I could’ve done that!)

PCI Compliance doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here’s 4 smart ways to stop overcomplicating your PCI Compliance program:

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