I wish I had had the PCI workshops and resources that included easy to follow directions and training that came in smaller, easier to consume learning modules when I started walking down the PCI path.
Trying to learn everything about PCI DSS Compliance in an 8 hour or 12 hour training session is like drinking from a fire hose.
My first year was numbing. My ISA training didn’t teach me the practical knowledge that I needed to run an effective and efficient PCI DSS Compliance program.
No one teaches you how to do a scope assessment.
No one teaches you how to plan and manag a Report on Compliance.
No one teaches you how to ensure you’re collecting the right evidence to prove compliance.
To my former PCI ISA newbie self and all the other newbies out there, Payment Card Assessments has created what you wish existed all those years ago.
Why would we create easy to consume PCI workshops?
Two reasons:
We’ve known for years that critical aspects of running an effective continuous PCI DSS Compliance program don’t exist anywhere – not even through the PCI SSC and
We believe that new to PCI cybersecurity analysts or GRC specialists should never feel dazed and confused when they’re starting their compliance journey.
Will you be joining us in January for these critical PCI Workshops?
Is your PCI DSS Compliance program is all over the place? Do you have your asset inventory in 7 different spreadsheets? If you answered yes, maybe it’s time to automate key controls and your assessment process. Read on to find out how!
In PCI Compliance Essentials we’re dropping serious nuggets of wisdom to help organizations get everyone from system administrators, incident response handlers, billing, C-level executives and everyone else who has a piece of the PCI pie ON THE SAME PAGE and speaking THE SAME LANGUAGE.